Thursday, April 16, 2020

Irony in Hamlet Essays - English-language Films,

The definition of irony is a technique of indicating, as through character or plot development, an intentiIrony is seen throughout this whole play and can be recognized by many in many different ways. We come across dramatic, which is very hard to determine in ?Hamlet?, we also see situational, and verbal, or sarcasm, as well. Below are some examples of each and some possible interpretations of how I viewed them to be. Let?s first look at some dramatic irony throughout the play. There is very little in the play where only the audience is aware of something that one of the characters does not already know. One that comes to mind is in the very last scene when the audience is aware of the poisoned swords and Hamlet is not. Up to that point the audience, because of the peculiar intimacy, which Shakespeare builds into Hamlet?s character, knows exactly what Hamlet, and knows as he knows himself! The audience becomes an accomplice to Hamlet's confusion; his despair and his deception of oth ers and he communes with the audience directly, using it as a sounding board for his own deliberations. One of the only other ones I came across would be when Polonius is killed. The audience is aware that it is Polonius behind the curtain and not the King as Hamlet believes. On or attitude opposite to that which is actually or ostensibly stated.